Aesthetics, Womens Health

Vaginal Rejuvenation Review: What You Need to Know

Vaginal Rejuvenation Review

We know that some women aren’t exactly comfortable talking about their vaginas. That’s why we want to start this article with this: It’s okay to talk about your vagina! It’s okay to love your vagina! And it’s okay to want your vagina to look and feel its best. Still feeling uncomfortable talking about a subject that ‘s been taboo for way too long? Don’t be.

FACT: According to the National Women’s Health Resource Center, 56 percent of women age 40 to 84 have experienced vaginal dryness after menopause.

There. Now that that’s out of the way let’s get to the nitty-gritty. As you age, your body changes. Not news to you, right? Women’s bodies go through a lot over a lifetime – puberty, child-bearing, menopause, etc. And of course, each of these transitions affects your body. Furthermore, child-bearing and menopause have significant effects on your vagina. If you’re still reading this, we know we’re preaching to the choir when we list:

  • Decreased sexual sensation
  • Lowered sexual function
  • Urinary incontinence

It’s part of a woman’s journey through life. But before you prep for the pity party, we’ve got news for you. Your tired vagina can be “refreshed” with vaginal rejuvenation!

What Is Vaginal Rejuvenation?

We said it. Vaginal Rejuvenation. This broad term covers several procedures that put right vaginal problems that can occur after you give birth or as you age.

What Causes Age-Related Vaginal Changes?

As you age, your estrogen levels drop, leading to decreased lubrication, thinning of the vaginal walls, and tissue inflammation. Each of these changes contributes to uncomfortable symptoms. Menopause is the most common reason for these changes. But childbirth, breastfeeding, chemotherapy, and certain medical procedures like hysterectomies can also cause them.

What Conditions Can You Treat with Vaginal Rejuvenation?

Vaginal Rejuvenation procedures can treat a variety of conditions, including:

  • The loss of sexual sensation
  • Bladder control issues
  • “Popping” sounds while doing yoga or walking
  • Sexual dissatisfaction
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Increased dryness
  • Accidental bladder leakage
  • Lack of tightness

What Are the Benefits of Vaginal Rejuvenation?

Other than the obvious conditions that vaginal rejuvenation procedures can treat, there are several other beautiful benefits. For example:

  • Treatment can be tailored to your individual needs.
  • Rejuvenation can restore tightness to your vaginal area.
  • It can beautify the appearance of the treated area.
  • You may experience enhanced sexual gratification.
  • Your partner’s sexual experience may be affected in a very positive way.

How Does Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation Work?

If you want optimal results, laser treatments are the answer. They allow the practitioner to customize your treatment. Lasers do two things: They resurface your vaginal walls with healthy new tissues and stimulate collagen production, making the tissue strong and healthy.

How Long Does a Laser Treatment Take?

This outpatient procedure takes three to five minutes. It’s performed under local anesthesia. During the procedure, you may experience some slight discomfort and pressure in the treatment area.

How Many Treatments Does it Require to Relieve Symptoms?

There are some women who experience noticeable relief right away. On the other hand, other women need additional treatments a few weeks apart to receive the full benefit.

What Does the Recovery Look Like?

You can resume regular activities immediately. But you’ll need to avoid sex, swimming pools, and bathtubs for 48 hours following the treatment. It’s also normal to experience some minor cramps or spotting.

Does Insurance Cover Vaginal Rejuvenation?

Unfortunately, most insurance plans don’t cover vaginal rejuvenation. There are a few that do, so call your provider and ask.

It’s Truth-Telling Time

Congratulations! Taking care of yourself and your vagina isn’t openly celebrated in our society. So – good for you for investigating and getting more informed! Now it’s time to ask yourself a few hard questions:

Are the issues that come with vaginal dryness impacting my life daily?

Am I self-conscious about how my aging vagina looks?

Have I lost interest in sex because it’s painful?

Have I lost the ability to orgasm or feel pleasant sensations in and around my vagina?

Am I scared to laugh or cough in public because I might pee myself?

If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, it’s time to take control.

Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment: How We Can Help

In addition to supporting you in all of your health and wellness needs, we offer support for your sexual and vaginal health. For instance, we offer two options for vaginal rejuvenation. One is Votiva and the other is the W-shot.

What is Votiva?

Votiva is a cutting-edge laser treatment that requires no surgery. It can treat both internal and external vaginal issues by enhancing muscle tone, blood flow, and sensitivity.

As a result, it effectively treats common issues such as stress incontinence, dryness, and discomfort during intercourse. This safe, effective treatment for feminine health offers immediate results with continued improvements over time. For instance, by using radiofrequency and heating of tissues, we can provide state-of-the-art rejuvenation of the vagina, inside and out!

What is the W Shot?

The W Shot is an all-natural, painless, non-surgical procedure. It can rejuvenate and revitalize vaginal and clitoral function. This improves sensitivity, enhances your sex life and reclaims your bladder control. The W Shot is an in-office procedure.

Firstly, you’ll receive a topical anesthetic to numb the area. Secondly, using a very tiny needle, your practitioner will inject platelets back into your clitoris and upper vagina. These are the areas most important for the sexual response and bladder control.  You also have the option to use patient-administered nitrous oxide inhaled analgesia to calm yourself down and relieve discomfort.

Are You Ready to Rejuvenate Your Vagina?

If you have more questions, feel free to give us an embarrassment-free call. Our professional staff will be happy to answer any questions you have about vaginal issues or vaginal rejuvenation procedures.

If you’re ready to go ahead, schedule a consultation. It’s time to stop hiding and start feeling your best with health on your Horizon!

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