Aesthetics, General

Botox® and Juvéderm®: The 5 Best Treatment Areas for Younger-Looking Skin

Botox® and Juvéderm®

Botox® and Juvéderm® are highly effective products to treat the signs of aging like wrinkles and fine lines. They are safe and widely used in the US and worldwide by people who want to soften the signs of aging. 

If you’re looking to restore your youthful appearance and are considering Botox® or Juvéderm® you might wonder where exactly you should begin treatments. Botox® and Juvéderm® are useful in many places on the face and even the body. So, knowing where to start can be tricky.  

Here are the five best Botox® or Juvéderm® treatment areas to give you a younger-looking appearance.  

Wrinkles and Fine Lines  

This is the most common use of Botox®. Wrinkles and fine lines are among the most frequent signs of aging. As we move our faces – wrinkling the brow, squinting the eyes, or raising eyebrows – lines become etched on the face from the contraction of the muscles. Botox® can be injected into those affected areas to stop the muscle contractions and give you a smoother, wrinkle-free appearance.  

Crow’s Feet  

Crow’s feet are the lines around your eyes, and they become more visible when we squint, frown, or smile. Aging causes the delicate skin around the eyes to become less elastic, and wrinkles begin to appear. Botox® is a safe and effective method for treating these tricky lines. In fact, it’s the only way to really get rid of them. Botox around the crow’s feet lasts about three to four-month, typically.  

Drooping Brow  

A heavy or sagging brow can make you look older than you feel as gravity starts to take effect during the aging process. Botox® can give you a subtle, non-surgical lift in the brow area. This will lighten your face and make it look much more youthful.  

Neck Bands

The neck and upper chest region are some of the earliest spots to show the aging process. The wrinkles and bands here are often a cause for concern among patients. But you don’t need to live with them. Juvéderm® when combined with other treatments can treat the appearance of aging in the chin, neck, and chest areas by tightening the muscles.  

Jaw Reduction  

If your jaw has started to become saggy or undefined with age, you’re not alone. Aging and weight gain can cause the skin to lose elasticity in the chin area, and the face loses the youthful V-shape. Surgical procedures can correct this, but they’re invasive and expensive. Juvéderm® can be used instead to target the jawline’s muscles and can be useful with contouring the jawline.  

Thinking About Botox® and Juvéderm®?

If you’re thinking about Botox® or Juvéderm® in one or more of these areas, you should seek out a highly-trained and experienced practitioner to get the best and safest results from your treatment. At Health Horizons, we are here to help you formulate a treatment plan to get the youthful, glowing look you deserve.  

Ready to book an appointment? Contact us today and let’s start your journey to pure radiance!


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