Body Countouring – Endermologie

We can contour your body using this fantastic technique.

Tired of those love handles, that no one loves? Want to increase the circulation of your skin and keep it from sagging as you get older? Endermologie has helped the physiology of the skin in the rehabilitation of thousands of burn victims in France for the last 40 years. Now it is available for your skin, and we can contour your body using this fantastic technique.

The ultimate advancement in skin conditioning. If you have imagined a slimmer, trimmer, firmer figure Endermologie is for you. In combination with a healthy lifestyle, you can create the beauty you have seen with your mind’s eye.  Through a course of sixteen weekly massages, Endermologie will improve the appearance of cellulite, tone and shape the hips, thighs, waist abdomen, and other areas of your body. Endermologie massages are performed by a controlled, repeatable, deep mechanical massage device. It is assisted by suction and two rollers to out perform manual massage, benefiting the skin and subcutaneous tissue by promoting microcirculation.